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The Importance of Inclusive Influencer Marketing: Why Brands Should Represent LGBTQ+ Communities Year-Round

In today’s competitive market, brands must stay ahead of the curve to capture the attention and loyalty of their target audience. With the rise of Gen Z as a powerful consumer demographic, it’s more crucial than ever for brands to adopt inclusive influencer marketing strategies that cater to the diverse needs and values of this generation. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why it’s essential for brands to represent LGBTQ+ communities consistently throughout the year, not just during Pride Month, and how doing so can benefit their overall brand image.

The Power of Inclusive Influencer Marketing:

Authenticity and Gen Z Values:

Gen Z consumers are known for prioritising authenticity and supporting brands that align with their values. A study by Kantar Consulting found that 62% of Gen Zers would stop supporting a brand if it didn’t align with their values. By representing the LGBTQ+ community all year round, brands demonstrate their genuine commitment to inclusivity and resonate with the values of their Gen Z audience.

Boosting Brand Image:

Embracing inclusivity and diversity in influencer marketing can improve a brand’s image. Research by Accenture revealed that 72% of consumers make purchasing decisions based on a brand’s inclusivity and diversity. Furthermore, creating inclusive content can attract more organic traffic and encourage positive engagement with your brand.

Tapping into the Growing LGBTQ+ Market:

A Gallup study found that 5.6% of the U.S. population identifies as LGBTQ+, with 15.9% of Gen Z identifying as part of this community. By representing this growing population consistently, brands can better connect with their Gen Z target audience and capitalise on their influence.

Harnessing LGBTQ+ Purchasing Power:

The LGBTQ+ community has an estimated global purchasing power of over $3.7 trillion, according to LGBT Capital. By actively engaging with and representing the LGBTQ+ community in influencer marketing, brands can access this lucrative market and increase their revenue.

Building Brand Loyalty:

Google found that 64% of LGBTQ+ individuals are more likely to purchase from a brand that represents them in their advertising. Consistent representation can help build stronger loyalty among LGBTQ+ customers and Gen Z, ensuring long-term success for the brand.

Making a Positive Social Impact:

By representing LGBTQ+ communities throughout the year, brands can challenge stereotypes, promote acceptance, and foster greater understanding. For socially conscious Gen Z consumers, this is a crucial factor when choosing which brands to support. A study by revealed that 76% of Gen Zers believe brands should take a stand on important social issues and 67% of them expect brands to be inclusive and diverse.


In summary, incorporating LGBTQ+ representation in influencer marketing year-round is crucial for brands looking to appeal to their Gen Z audience. By doing so, they can improve their brand image and tap into the powerful purchasing power of the LGBTQ+ community. More importantly, they contribute to creating a more inclusive and diverse environment that resonates with the values of Gen Z and benefits society as a whole.